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First Blog, Whoop Whoop!

I am a compulsive writer. I think Justin and I both are, but I think that’s what makes us such great friends and collaborators! In the past I had a hard time connecting my thoughts and ideas. One would creep in, light bulb! And then another idea would swoosh in take its place. I swear in person I’m not much more put together, but it’s getting better! What can I say, my noggin in filled with things I want to share with the world, I just wish my brain could speak my thoughts rather than my mouth… If you’re just like me, and I’m sure most of you are, do you ever wish your ears could act as a jump drive and at the end of every day you could download all the pictures and thoughts you’ve experienced? Why hasn’t someone invented something like this yet??


Now, down to the nitty gritty, the real shindig (before I lose you and/or get bored). Why are we here?? First off, again, Justin and I are super-duper ecstatic you have stumbled upon our website! For years, we have brainstormed ideas and many, I mean many, future endeavors we share. We’ve shared the love of creating things from nature (as you can see from our shop), writing and sharing stories, travel, and the most important thing of all, our LOVE of helping people. With years of taking notes, countless books and research, we finally decided it was time we take charge and figure out exactly what that meant. Justin and I want to help those of you who are exactly like us! We want to share our struggles and our wins. We both grew up knowing we were different, we wanted to do something diverse, see the world, love every single piece of it, and find others who felt the same way. Now, I know this is probably something you’ve heard before, but Justin and I have big things ahead! Like I said, we are taking charge of our purpose and finally acting on our goals.

We’d love to hear from you! Justin and I love to collaborate with people so please send us a message. Tell us about your dreams, your goals, your struggles, and your wins! There is nothing better than meeting and sharing with new people!



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